Presentation: Fake it 'til you make it

From my presentation at StarTech, here are my slides.

Fake it 'til you make it shows some code and examples on how to make a web app look more like a native mobile application. This can provide a way to build quick prototypes or to build using familiar technologies.

Published November 06, 2011


10 Comments · RSS feed
Nate Klaiber said on November 06, 2011

Thanks for sharing these slides. I am getting ready to take a deeper dive into iOS, because I want to learn more about the native SDK and working with the camera, address book, etc. I like where the mobile web is headed as far as HTML, but I want to learn both sides of the fence to better understand what works better where, and why. Have you done much with iOS development?

Chris G said on November 06, 2011

Thanks snook, good read as always. Sencha doesn't always play nice with Android webkit and is quite large for that first load (but v2 coming soon). Appcelerator heaps of random crashes you only see towards the end of a large app, lets hope they will put some of that 150m towards fixing them soon. but all these beats wrapping my brain around obj-c syntax.

Graham B said on November 10, 2011

Great overview, didn't know about navigator.standalone. Bookmarked for the new year when I'll be starting our hybrid native / web app; thanks.

Esteban Moreno Arias said on November 17, 2011

Gracias por compartir las slides, soy de Chile, estuve presente en la StartechConf y fue una genial presentacion.
te comento que gracias a tu intervencion en startechconf, ahora estamos desarrollando algo con las caracteristicas que demostraste.

Thanks for sharing the slides, I'm from Chile, was present at the StartechConf and it was a great presentation.
I commented that thanks to your intervention in startechconf, now we're developing something with the features you showed.
Thank you.

Lewis King said on November 18, 2011

For a retina display start-up image you can use:

<link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" media="(max-device-width: 480px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)" href="images/retina_startup.png" />

Doesn't work in the simulator but does on devices!

Lewis King said on November 18, 2011

For a retina display start-up image you can use:

<link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" media="(max-device-width: 480px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)" href="images/retina_startup.png" />

Doesn't work in the simulator but does on devices!

Organic Seo Services said on November 22, 2011

It is a very awesome information.

Rumah Dijual said on November 23, 2011

thanks, it's really the post

Cherilynn said on December 13, 2011

You really saved my skin with this inoframtion. Thanks!

Allie said on December 19, 2011

When you think about it, that's got to be the right awsner.

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