Mootools r.83 Cheat Sheet

In the same vein as the Prototype Cheat Sheet, I decided to go through and detail the Mootools library, as well. In comparison to Prototype, Mootools is definitely smaller and it's obvious they've put more focus on interactivity and decent DOM traversing.

I've colour-coded this one to match the four main categories that are in the download section of the web site and within the documentation. This way, it should hopefully be clearer when trying to compare against the two.

In going through things, I noticed that the documentation for Mootools isn't bad but spelling mistakes and what not have meant that a couple features aren't actually detailed in the documentation.

Anyways, for you Mootool luvin' fans, here are the cheat sheets:

Published January 11, 2007


18 Comments · RSS feed
ChrisR said on January 11, 2007

Now that's nice :) I've been using mootools for some time now and the library has one big advantage over the prototype/scriptaculous combo. Great API documentation.

And ofcourse filesize but that's an ongoing discussion which has popped up at different places on the web.

Bas Wenneker said on January 12, 2007

imho Mootools has less overhead than Prototype/Scriptaculous. I love it's modularity and the way it's implemented.

It has the right functions that are commonly used while prototype and scriptaculous include dozens of functions that are rarely used.

The Cheat sheet is great, it fits nice next to the Prototype sheet you released a few days ago:)


Fardeen said on January 12, 2007

Thanks a lot for this Cheat sheet !

Ben said on January 12, 2007

Thankyou! I was about to suggest one for mt :)

Andrew Herron said on January 12, 2007

You sir, are my hero. Thanks much for the time and effort!

Lorenz said on January 12, 2007

nice! I think I'll jump into mootools soon, with such a nice cheat-sheet ;-)

TechCheatSheets said on January 12, 2007

Great Job. This will come in very handy.

Raz said on January 12, 2007

Thanks, Jonathan. Nice and handy!

Aaron Newton said on January 12, 2007

Go Snook! I was just IMing Valerio (who authors Mootools) about adding something like this to the documentation (you have me to thank for all the typos in in the docs).

Now I don't have to tackle it. Thanks!

So when should we expect the version 1.0 of Mootools ( cheat sheet?

...kidding (well, maybe not entirely). Regardless, awesome-o.

Jonathan Snook said on January 12, 2007

Thanks for the positive feedback everybody. :)

Aaron: I'll definitely update things for when 1.0 gets released (or doesn't anticipate any API changes, as was the case with the Prototype cheat sheet).

Michael Jackson said on January 12, 2007

Nice work Jonathan. As one of the Mootools collaborators, I was just about to do something like this myself. Looks like you beat us all to the punch. BTW, excellent blog!

Tarellel said on January 15, 2007

Great work Snook.

In my opinion, mootools is probably the best JavaScript Framework you can find. It allows for various levels of adaptive change. And allowing you to decide what modules you wish to include is a great feature that various other frameworks should try to implement. Plus contributions like this, help make appreciate the framework even more.
Again thank you on behalf of all MooTool users.

Andy Kant said on January 16, 2007

Spectacular, thanks for the Mootools cheat sheet!

Ryan Thrash said on January 24, 2007

I think the API is fairly nailed down for the 1.0 release at this point in SVN (no guarantees tho). As I write this it's at rev 235 and you can grab it in your favorite SVN client at their SVN repo. I've been watching this in commit messages for a while and I'm seeing interesting tidbits lately, mostly mentioning bugfixes and things like "- Finished polishing documentation for 1.0."

For those less SVN-inclined, you can do a custom build of Mootools from their trunk source.

There's quite a bit of change from the "svn" version (and version 83) posted on their website and what's in Subversion ... for the better!

mr.Anderson said on January 29, 2007

Iam completely new to web design and i want to know how to make a site similar to this
w/out flash, instead with accordion that incorporates lightbox in the image galleries.If I make no sense, sorry. Just trying to teach myself=no money 4 schooling

Assaf said on January 31, 2007

Under Dom.js you have a typo, the function '#ES' should be '$ES'.
for a moment there I thought they found a way to name vars with # in the begining (:

Paul Irish said on January 31, 2007

Does this scale to Mootols 1.0 just fine?

K-Man said on February 19, 2007

No it doesn't scale to 1.0, 083 was really a pre-release of sorts so they didn't scale some of the functionality. $S for example was replaced with simply $$.

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