All on my own

For those who have been following along with the Building a Web Application series may have thought that GainCMS was just another dead project with few (read: none) updates over the past few months. This wasn't far from the truth with Work and Life preventing me from investing any time into the project.

No man is an island

I must have been delusional to think I would ever have enough time to get this project together and still have time for anything else. To solve this dilemma, I've decided to ask for help. I'm looking for a few developers to join the team. If you are interested, send off an email to with some info about yourself and how you feel you'd be able to contribute.

I still fully intend to remain in the thick of things and will continue to post on development as things progress.

Published July 20, 2005 · Updated September 17, 2005


4 Comments · RSS feed
James said on July 21, 2005

What's it written in on the server?

Jonathan Snook said on July 21, 2005

Best to peruse the Building a Web Application archive for more information. To sum it up quickly, PHP and PostgreSQL is the intended platform. This is intended to be a closed-source application to be used as a web service (Basecamp-style business model).

nuffGigs said on July 22, 2005

I don't know PHP but I'm down to help out with any font-end Javascript. If you drop a post about any outstanding components I'll queue in.

Wesley Walser said on July 29, 2005

Depending on how my next month of freelance work goes I may be able to pitch in on the php work. I have never interfaced with PostgreSQL before, but database connections are usually trivial anyways. I could also help out with the front end css.

Sorry, comments are closed for this post. If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to send them to me directly.