Goal Reached!

As you might recall, I set a goal to receive 10 e-mails from the GainCMS site by the end of January. It may not seem like much but considering the project is truly in its infancy, I didn't expect much more. I was pleasantly surprised to hit the 10 e-mail mark back in early January. In total, I received 24 subscriptions to the GainCMS newsletter.

The next step will be to increase the content that is on the GainCMS site so as to generate more traffic and interest.

And hopefully to whet your appetite, I've got a couple articles in the works on the development side of things that I should have up in the next couple weeks.

Published February 02, 2005 · Updated September 17, 2005


9 Comments · RSS feed
Frank Manno said on February 02, 2005


Glad it's working out well for you... I know I've been following up on your articles, and can't wait to see the next set.

As for GainCMS, I've just added my address to the list. Chalk another one up for you!

Matt Hampel said on February 02, 2005

Nice- looks good. Hope you're not going to block access to Internet Explorer (cough)

P.S. To add more traffic, maybe add a link to Gain in your post above? I had to follow the "recall" link to sign up.

Jonathan Snook said on February 02, 2005

Matt: thanks. I've added the link. And I definitely have no plans to lockout IE. I want the interface to be as cross-browser and cross-platform compatible as possible.

Dave Cardwell said on February 03, 2005


Nuts, I must have forgotten to sign up to the newsletter.


Ryan Thrash said on March 29, 2005

Is GainCMS dead?

Jonathan Snook said on March 29, 2005

Ryan: I'm sure it feels like it after so long without an update. This winter was hellish at work with plenty of overtime. Which, obviously meant no time to spend on GainCMS. Things are still going to be crazy for the next week. Thanks for being patient!

Keith Free Ellis said on April 16, 2005

I think I read in another post you're writing the cms in php? Do you have any docs on the design of your software, tiers, etc. I'm curious what kind of constraints you've designed around. It seems like every programmer/web person is building one, including me.

Jonathan Snook said on April 16, 2005

All documentation to date is posted at http://testing.snook.ca/cms/. There's certainly a good chunk of stuff missing... likely the stuff you're really interested in. And that will come as I slowly make some headway on this application.

Callum Mcleod said on May 13, 2005

You are aware that the screenshot link 404s on your GainCMS site?

Sorry, comments are closed for this post. If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to send them to me directly.