Auto Pluralize

I created a little helper for auto-pluralizing a word using the Inflection class that comes with CakePHP. All I do is pass it the word and the count. The result will be something like, "1 member" or "2 members".

class PluralHelper extends Helper {

  //$s = the string
  //$c = the count
  function ize($s, $c)
    if($c == 0 || $c > 1)
      $inflect = new Inflector();
      return $c . ' ' . $inflect->pluralize($s);
      return $c . ' ' . $s;

Using the Plural helper is really easy. First, be sure to add it to your controller:

var $helpers = array('Html','Plural');

After that, in your view, call it like this:

echo $plural->ize('member',2)
Published July 14, 2006 · Updated July 14, 2006


3 Comments · RSS feed
Jesse Morrow said on April 01, 2007

Great Helper,

I'd suggest using:

if($c != 1) {...}

instead of your current condition. That way you properly cover all the decimal cases too such as 0.1 or 1.5, etc.

If you give it some thought: the only time you don't use the plural with a numer before the word is for 1!

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