MIX10: The Type We Want
I recently presented a session at MIX10, The Type We Want, in which I covered where we came from with using custom fonts on the web, where we are now and the hurdles we face moving forward.
All of the videos and slides are posted at http://live.visitmix.com/Videos. You'll have to sift through the list to find my session, DS15. The slideshow posted on the MIX10 site is the original PowerPoint file which, ironically, won't show the right fonts. I've uploaded the slides to Slideshare, though, and have embedded them for your perusal.
The Type We Want (MIX10)
View more presentations from Jonathan Snook.
A very informative slide.
Thank You so much Sir
Somewhat ironically, the Y in TYPE is bigger than the other letters, which is kind of the type we don't want.
Any idea how long it'll be before all these web-font bugs are sorted out in all browsers?
Nice presentation Jonathan. I've been wandering between sIFR and @font-face for so long. Yet some of my customers want the "w3c css valid" and want different fonts at the same time.
I still use @font-face though i just found out about gzipping the font because the SVG file of fonts were pretty large most of the time.
Very interesting. I like the style of presentaton. Thanks for posting :)
This is a webkit bug that has since been fixed: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29805
Great slides.
One thing I'd point out is that Fontspring is merely a storefront for buying @font-face ready type. It doesn't serve or host anything.
Good post Jonathan, and hope the talk was well recieved at South by. Ascender Fonts have a great web service for @font-face which we use at http://www.jonwallacedesign.com - One great benefit of this service is that they also serve up SVG fonts - so covers all browsers // plus you know you have the correct license to use the font in this manner as it is part of the service agreement you sign up to with them. Those interested have a look here - http://www.ascenderfonts.com/webfonts/ At jonwallacedesign, we are constantly looking into the best ways of working with typography on the web and are very excited at the prospect of how people will use these new technologies.
First off, great speech! I downloaded the video to view the extra comments and questions at the end.
During the question portion, a couple of points about caching were brought up.
Something that wasn't really expanded on was how caching will apply to subsetting of fonts. How, for example, would caching apply in this scenario:
I've subset a latin and punctuation version of my font for English users. However, I also offer a French version of my site, which I would like to expand my subset to include those specific glyphs.
Will the caching have to download an entire new subset, or will it be "smart" and recognize that it only has to download the missing glyphs compared to the English subset?
Also, when tackling Paul's "Bullet Proof" method, you displayed linking the "local" post-script and font-names. Is it safer to not include this method, if for instance the user has mistakenly named or changed a font on their system?
Nice slides; would have been great to be there and hear the talk about this. I'm working on my new site completely using Typekit for all of the fonts; I'm really digging it (site is still in works, but up). I do notice the flash once in awhile on the page load.. doesnt really bother me too much.. does this reallly bother others? I'm curious.
Thanks for the Font Squirrel and Fontspring plug in your MIX10 talk. Just want to clarify that Fontspring is not a hosted service like typekit.com but a download-and-implement-yourself solution like Font Squirrel. We think that pro designers are more likely to choose this model and we're happy to have so many font foundries on board.
Thanks for your slides, they contained some thoughts about fonts I haven't known so far! Cheers! -Pepe
Good presentation Jonathan. I have yet to delve into @font-face, can you recommend a good place to begin?
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