Recap of Webmaster Jam Session 2007

I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about what a fantastic event WJS2007 was.

Simply put, it was a blast. Lots of fun with lots of great people. Everybody was super happy (both speakers and attendees) and there was plenty of great content. All of the sessions I managed to check out were very interesting and I walked away with something new from every one of them.

J Cornelius and the folks at Coffee Cup did a fabulous job of putting this two day conference together. The parties, sponsored by Blue Flavor, Microsoft and Adobe were fantastic entertainment. 20 of us even did dinner at the Iron Cactus, in honour of SXSW and started off that last evening with Jager Bombs.

Check out what Jeff Croft and Garrett Dimon had to say about all the fun.

Pile it on with CSS

My session went well. I felt like my delivery was good if a little rushed. A little rushed? I finished early and that was after starting late. Oops. But it gave more time to answer some questions and hopefully I was able to offer some insight. Everybody that came up afterwards has said that it was a clear and informative albeit short presentation. I can take that. Word is, a podcast will be released of the presentation in a couple weeks time. I'll link it up when that happens.

Giving away books

And of course, what good presentation doesn't include a book giveaway? Um, well, mine. Because I forgot to bring the books with me. Serves me right for dashing out the door so quickly. To make up for it, I'm going to give out two copies of The Art & Science of CSS by Sitepoint. How can you get one of those? Link up the most outrageous picture you can find from WJS2007. You had to have been an attendee but You don't necessarily have to be the one to have taken the picture (nor did you have to actually attend the conference).

I've already seen some crazy pictures so this should be easy! I'll pick the winners this Friday.

Next Year

The crew at Coffee Cup are planning on doing it again next year so if you didn't make it this time, be sure to get out there in 2008.

Published September 25, 2007


13 Comments · RSS feed
Sean Madden said on September 25, 2007

It's my birthday

Now send me my book!

Jeff Croft said on September 26, 2007

I can't believe I'm linking this up publicly.

I already have your silly little book, so if I win, I suggest that I get to choose the second best linked photo and you can give the book to them, instead. :)

Sulcalibur said on September 26, 2007

I gotta say the most outrageous picture I could find was this : clicky linky

Although I was tempted by this happy dude: clicky linky
as he does have nice legs: clicky linky
(but I do have a rule that anyone that wears red shoes cannot be trusted).

Also, I'm not sure what on earth is going on here :P

Also thanks for letting us poor hobos with no passports join in the fun :D

Luke said on September 26, 2007
steve said on September 26, 2007

"Hear me Lord, here lies the behemoth! A Web 2.0 site coded entirely in randomly mixed case tags, style slapped on with font, b, and u tags!, not a semantic tag in site!... quoteless attributes, un-closed tags and more tables than a boot sale in Birmingham!"

"Web Developers of the world unite, and help your fellow brothers and sisters repent their sinful CSS-less homes... or we shall force down upon you embedded blinking marquee tags to torture your tormented souls!"

I have to admit, not the kind of tattoo I would normally think of getting either (tee hee):

"WES" - Is that short for: "Web Essential Standards"?

Jason Beaird said on September 26, 2007

Veloso getting too friendly with one of the Lizard Lounge cesspools.

Ironically enough, Jeff took that one he should definitely get to judge as I'm sure he was present for every outrageous moment at the WJS.

Mika said on September 26, 2007
Taylor said on September 26, 2007

I wish I had been there. I have to miss FOWD, too!

Who says web geeks can't dance jam!?

Here's to a free book, for a broke college kid :)

Jason Padgett said on September 27, 2007

gimme, gimme, gimme

Jonathan Snook said on September 27, 2007

@Jason Padgett: you gotta work for this one! Search for a crazy photo and link it up!

Andy Stratton said on September 27, 2007

I'd have to say I think I really captured Dan Rubin's flap and snap... book plz?

Courtney said on September 27, 2007

Hey! No wonder my photos have been getting all those hits. I really want a book as I really can use it so here is one of my favorite pics...though the birthday one is great as well.

This was even more disgusting in person

Jonathan Snook said on September 28, 2007

Congrats to Sean Madden for being first out of the gate with the fun absurdity that was the closing party and also to Luke for linking up Keith Robinson and Derek Featherstone. Let it be known that Keith and Derek were apparently screaming Beastie Boys' "Fight for your Right" at 4am.

Sean and Luke, copies of the Art & Science of CSS will be heading your way and I hope you guys can make it out next year!

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