Refresh Ottawa, finally

After announcing it 10 months ago, Derek Featherstone and I will finally kick off the first Refresh Ottawa.

If you're unfamiliar with Refresh, it's "a community of designers and developers working to refresh the creative, technical, and professional culture of New Media endeavors in the Ottawa region."

We'll be holding our inaugural event downstairs at the Clock Tower Brew Pub on Bank St, starting at 7pm. If you're in or near the Ottawa region and would like to attend, head on over to Upcoming and let us if you can make it.

Derek will present "Accessible mapping with Google Maps" and I'll be presenting on JavaScript frameworks. Each session will be about half an hour leaving plenty of time to chat and get to know each other afterwards.

The social hour will be sponsored by Web Directions North which, while being held in Vancouver, saw a number of Ottawans make the trip. I hope to see as many, if not more, make it out again this year.

I hope to see you at the Refresh!

Published January 07, 2008


10 Comments · RSS feed
Bill Erickson said on January 07, 2008

Congrats on the Refresh! We've been running ours for about 6 months (Refresh BCS) and it's resulted in some great things. It really brought our local design/development community together, and now we have our own co-working space (The Creative Space) and BarCampTX.

I didn't realize you were up in Canada. I was just in Vancouver for Santacon, then Whistler for a week of skiing. It's beautiful up there, and Vancouver is now one of my favorite cities.

Justin Thorp said on January 07, 2008

Refresh has been such an awesome thing here in the Washington DC area. It has laid a major part of the foundation in getting this community started and excited about what's going on.

I look forward to hearing how it went in Ottawa.

Joshua Schnell said on January 10, 2008

Have to say, i'm pretty stoked!

Abdul said on January 10, 2008

I live in Toronto and Ottawa isn't that far away, but if i knew earlier i would have made plans with some family there and made it and spent sometime with them as well. Theres no point in going just for the meeting and making the trip back.

But i wonder if Toronto has a refresh. Anyways i also look forward to hearing how it goes.

Cheers to Canada!

Ryan Joy said on January 10, 2008

Congrats on starting up Refresh Ottawa. It's the best group to be able to bring together all the different sides of our industry together. Refresh Austin is coming up on two years and is now stronger than ever.

@Abdul, sounds like you should start Refresh Toronto. ;-)

Simon Chen said on January 10, 2008

Kudos to you & Derek for a great event. Look forward to the next one!

Dan Sauvé said on January 10, 2008

Thanks for gettin' this goin' with Derek. Like Simon, I'm hyped for the next Refresh! :)

engtech said on January 11, 2008

I didn't end up making it because I was way too exhausted (despite the Clock Tower only being four blocks away)

How was the turn out?

Jonathan Snook said on January 11, 2008

Thanks everybody who made it out. I had a great time, too!

@engtech: you missed a great event! The turnout was absolutely fantastic. My guess is there was about 35-40 people there. A great turnout considering only 9 days of notice were given.

Jack said on January 15, 2008

I live in Ottawa, and honestly had no idea anything like this existed. I am an aspiring web developer, studying commerce at uOttawa, and was looking for local's to collaborate on projects with. This is very exciting news indeed.

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