Web Directions North 2007

Only three weeks from now on February 6th, Web Directions hits Vancouver in what should be a fun event. First, it's in Canada, and there doesn't seem to be enough quality web conferences here so seeing Dave Shea and Derek Featherstone along with Maxine Sherrin and John Allsopp help organize something like this is very nice.

This will be a more intimate affair than something like SXSW and should offer a great opportunity to hob knob with some talented people and network with colleagues.

The first day features a series of workshops with Aaron Gustafson, Andy Clarke, Derek Featherstone, and Kelly Goto.

The next two days feature two separate streams to attend. The sessions — two hours long — are longer than what you see at most conferences, which should give the speakers the opportunity to go into more depth on their respective topics. Even with just the two streams, I'll be torn as to which sessions I want to attend.

Finally, the final two days are your chance to network or just relax. Many intend to hit the slopes up in Whistler. Personally, I'm not a skier so I plan to use this time to get to meet and know people better.

Also, lucky for me, Derek asked me to be involved and live-blog the event. I'll be keeping tabs on all the goings-on so even if you can't make it, I hope I can make it feel like you were there.

If you're a student, check out the WDN Student Scholarshops program. They're offering a limited number of seats for only $195.

Published January 16, 2007


7 Comments · RSS feed
Jonathan E said on January 16, 2007

Hey Jonathan, which one of the workshops (if any) will you be attending on the Tuesday?

Jonathan Snook said on January 16, 2007

Sadly, I won't be able to make it to the workshops. I'm flying in late Tuesday night. I'll be there for the rest of it, though.

Jonathan E said on January 16, 2007

Oh, that's too bad. I'll be checking out Derek's Accessibility 2.0 workshop, which should be really good.

Like you though, I'm also a little torn on which streams to attend so I'll likely find myself hopping between both if I can. Luckily though, whatever we miss will more than likely be podcast for our listening pleasure after the conference (if Web Directions South was any indication).

David said on January 16, 2007

Thanks Snook. I really appreciate that. Maybe I will be able to make it out next year...
Hope its a blast! I will be watching your blog.

Shaun Andrews said on February 05, 2007

I remember when I first heard about WD North, I got really excited. "Great! An awesome web conference without the expense of airfare!" I was thinking maybe Boston, NYC, Rochester, ooh Montreal would be nice... then I realized it wasn't in the N. East, but rather way over in the N. West - Vancouver to be specific.

Oh well, Lets organize a Web Directions North East for next year.

Scott G said on February 05, 2007

have a great time and look forward to your blogging of the event! Will see ya at SxSW :-)

Kim Siever said on February 06, 2007

Too bad it's in Vancouver though. It's the most expensive choice of venues. I understand why they did it given that Dave Shea lives there, but still...

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