best way to set up resizable fonts
it's been mentioned elsewhere numerous times and here it is again: set the body using em's (.75em is good if you like a smaller font than normal) and then use percentages for the rest of the page. Works well for IE, N4 and N6. N4 seems to retain the body size for headings if a specific size hasn't been set on the headers.
An example of this:
body {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:.75em;} h1 {font-size:250%; } h2 {font-size:200%; }
Could you please tell me how to superscript the trademark "r" symbol in dreaweaver? Thank you very very much!
here is a way to use em, and actually get them.
/* Reset Fonts */
html {
/* hack for stupid ie */
* html body {
body {
font-size:50%; /* so 1em equals to 10px */
So, this way 1.2em =12px and so...