Stepping it up: Live Preview

As many of you have seen with the redesign and the fixed comments, I've really tried to increase the usability of the comments. Why so much focus on the comments? Because your interaction is a critical part of why I run this site. Your insights and assistance are an asset to me and to anybody else who happens to come across these pages.

In my next step in building a better experience and upon the advice of Khoi Vinh, I've added Live Preview. However, I've had to do it slightly differently than others due to a variety of factors:

Most importantly, I wanted the preview to appear as if it was just another comment in the list. The problem with this is that if the user is at the top of the page then they won't know that there is a live preview and have no way of seeing what their comment will look like.

This is where the fun begins. Clicking on the Preview button will scroll the page to the very bottom so that you can view your comment. But because the comment was designed to look like any other, it may not have been obvious what you were supposed to look at. To solve this problem, I used Garrett's BackpackBasecamp-inspired Yellow-fade technique.

Finally, what if you have JavaScript turned off? Lucky for you, I used some unobtrusive scripting and the preview functionality will work like it always did by taking you to the preview page.

So tell me, is it easier to use? How could it be even better?

Published May 16, 2005 · Updated September 17, 2005


283 Comments · RSS feed
Scott said on May 16, 2005

Just testing this out.

Wow, it seems pretty cool. The fade isn't very smooth in firefox/win, but the effect is there and it helps. It will be interesting to try again once there's more comments and it has to jump down the page.

Jacob Rask said on May 16, 2005

omgbbq w00t! ^_^ this is awesome! taking commenting to a new level. congrats.

Paul said on May 16, 2005

I saw this link on stylegala so I though I'd test it out!

Matthew Pennell said on May 16, 2005

What would be even cooler is if the page scrolled instead of jumped, and went down far enough so that the green arrow with the Preview button on was actually pointing at your comment!

Leeroy said on May 16, 2005

Very nice re-design, the fixed comments idea is great!

Paul said on May 16, 2005

Lets have a go then - I'm all for original design...

hmmmm not bad!

Fade is a bit jerky on Firefox 1.04 PC though, and using the scroll wheel doesn't scroll the page (weird)? Still excellent idea and brilliantly designed - well done!

Jonathan Snook said on May 16, 2005

Scott: I've tweaked it now so instead of 7 steps of fade, there's now 13 and I've sped it up.

Kevin said on May 16, 2005

Checking this one out... And i really like your redesign, nice job! 11 thumbs up!

You'd probably want to make the fading yellow erm.. green technique a bit larger - containing the column on the left side perhaps?.

Arni Gunnar said on May 16, 2005

Very cool .... will propably code a feature like this into my new website, whick I am currently building.

One thing to add maby ... and that is a button to submit the comment in the preview. I know it does not look like just another comment in the list then, but you don't have to go back to the right column to submit the comment.

Also like the preview updating as I write this comment :)

Veracon said on May 16, 2005

I love the sticky box, and the live preview... fantastic idea! :)

Mark Wubben said on May 16, 2005

Sweet indeed. As for the fade, you might want to make it time-based, instead of a number of steps.

Does it validate HTML too?

(<foo>illegal <img src="foo" onerror="document.title += '(hacked by 11born)'"> code here</bar>)

Peter G. said on May 16, 2005

I definitely agree with Matthew, It would be cool if the green arrow actually pointed to your previewed comment. Nonetheless, this is very innovative. Nice goin$this->normalizeEntities16bit("8217").

Remco Z. said on May 16, 2005

Well.. lets see this neat lil comment preview then.. I'm honestly curious if it really "adds" anything to a normal commenting form..

.. yup.. Iove it.. well done!

Peter Flaschner said on May 16, 2005

Testing testing 123. Ooooohhhhh. Jealous...

Jonathan said on May 16, 2005

Mark Wubben: the live preview currently doesn't validate the HTML. It is something I'd like to add so that the previewed comment more closely resembles the posted comment .

article agent said on May 16, 2005

This is the best little comment form I have seen. Great job.

evan said on May 16, 2005

ooooo yeah

Nick Jones said on May 16, 2005

Like a lot of others, testing this out as a resultof the stylegala link!

SMEX said on May 16, 2005


sureshot said on May 16, 2005

Very nice!

Kyochew said on May 16, 2005

gotta test this thing ! !
I specially like the template

Landon said on May 16, 2005

Wanted to see what all the hub-bub was about.

Most excellent usability.

said on May 16, 2005

nice idea... really cool in fact...

Justin said on May 16, 2005

I was just testing the "Preview" feature, didn't mean to hit "Post" (suprised it worked though, with no name, email or URL). That did bring out a few points of note:

1) If you hit post and you're at the top of the document, you should be scrolled down to your newly added post.
2) Something other than "Comments" should be required, if anything to catch you from submitting bogus stuff (like I did above, on accident).

Kevin said on May 16, 2005

I'm really impressed with the work you are doing on this. I redesigned my comment boxes a few months back to make them nicer, but I think I may have to spend a lot more time on it now that I've seen how cool this is.

Also, very nice redesign of the site... the presentation of the information is fantastic. It's easy to follow how all of the elements on the screen fit together thanks to your green arrow technique.

Adam Michela said on May 16, 2005

Just testing :)

Bryan Veloso said on May 16, 2005

Test... ^_^
Oooh, this is pretty cool. Oh wow, when you preview and then keep typing ... the live preview feature kicks in.

Jonathan Snook said on May 16, 2005

Justin: No problem about the dummy post. I just deleted the message.

Having the user redirected to the bottom of the page makes perfect sense and I'll look to implement that.

As for requiring more than just comments, it goes back to what I was saying in the entry: I really want to encourage people to share their thoughts. I stay on top of new comments quite frequently so garbage posts haven't been a problem.

Josh said on May 16, 2005

I planned to come here and just 'check it out,' but this is impressive enough to warrant praise. Good job!

I'm using Win/FF, and I'd like the arrow from this comment form to actually point at the comment I'm writing... or maybe at the bottom of the last comment.

Joey said on May 16, 2005

Test test. Great site!

Adam said on May 16, 2005

Just testing as well... looks good, though I think some feedback on the continue button 'Post' would be called for as well, to make sure users know that what they're seeing isn't the final posted version.

said on May 16, 2005


bleeg said on May 16, 2005


whoa, that's cool!

Wesley Walser said on May 16, 2005

JavaScript poping up all over the place, this is sweet!

(testing for the most part. very nice, and yes it does help.)

(testing a link here < thats tight!)

Wesley Walser said on May 16, 2005

It seems I messed up my link code... wonder what I did wrong?
Sorry about that, you can remove it if you like.
View Source, seems external linkage is illegal perhaps?

HI MY NAME IS.... said on May 16, 2005

I can mess with the preview by tacking stuff into the source.

Peter said on May 16, 2005

While I too think the preview is very cool, I'm actually more impressed with the "sticky" design. The way the page scrolls and keeps the comment window in view just... feels good. Also the author credentials on the left hand side is nice.

Well done.

PS. Previewing is addictive.

Andr?s B?rth?zi said on May 17, 2005

It's very nice, congratulations! :)

Garrett said on May 17, 2005

Damn, this is hot. I've been wanting to do something w/ the fade technique. I'm glad somebody has done this with commenting. Really nice work, and keep it up.

Michael Moncur said on May 17, 2005

Cool! I love to see the blog "standards" being challenged, as most of them are arbitrary.

(And, like everyone else, I'm posting this just to test the comment system.)

Randy Peterman said on May 17, 2005

This sounds like a really well thought out usability friendly design. It is people like you who are pushing web application usability into the forefront quietly, but effectively. Yes, blogging tools are web applications :)

If I could suggest something to help make the posting easier: if I click preview, please give me a way to either edit again, or to post from the preview. At least for IE?

Ballwalkin' Mike said on May 17, 2005

This is the coolest comment page I have ever seen on a site. I am not kidding in the least.

I've been staring at it for two days now and I love it!

cboone said on May 17, 2005


I loved the position: fixed comment poster, and I love the new live preview.

The only thing that's at all funky, is that if the browser window is smaller than the width of the page, when you scroll horizontally the post-a-comment box 'stays in place' — meaning that, relative to the page, it wanders.

Not sure what to suggest bout that, though.

Jonathan Snook said on May 17, 2005

Randy Peterman: The preview was definitely an issue for those using IE. Especially on a long page such as this.

What I've done is updated it so that the 'post a comment' functionality works more closely like it does in Firefox and follows you as you scroll down the page. This should solve the preview issues.

said on May 17, 2005


Jesse Gavin said on May 17, 2005

This is probably the best commenting layout I have ever seen.

Vitor said on May 17, 2005

I want one of these on my website!

William Stewart said on May 17, 2005

Nice going!

Ruairi Mc Comb said on May 17, 2005

Gorgeous, simply gorgeous.

Alrayyes said on May 17, 2005

This looks very cool indeed!

Felix said on May 17, 2005

This is a test... I wonder if it will work properly. Wow. Nice.

Chris Baker said on May 17, 2005

Sweet! Now how do you deal with threads ;-)

Derek said on May 17, 2005

The page is too wide to fit, so I have to scroll horizontally. When I do that, the text boxes in the "Post A Comment" column stay fixed, while the black background slides out from under it.

Using Galeon 1.3.20, based on the Mozilla 1.7.7 Gecko renderer.

Mark Kawakami said on May 17, 2005

You know, this is brilliant. This really removes a lot of barriers to the commenting process in very clever ways.

Tony said on May 17, 2005


The fade is a bit jerky on FF 1.0.4/Mac as well.

Peter said on May 17, 2005

As Chris said above, I'm not sure how to visually deal with threads, but if you could figure it out, it would be cool if this comment box could add to any thread by which comment the green arrow with the preview/post buttons is pointing to. Whatever comment the arrow is pointing at could be highlighted.

Since this comment area is fixed, it seems like it should be possible to know when a comment on the left is in the arrow region. I'm not nearly good enough to know how, though.

A mod like that would really add to the usability of a threaded messaging system. You could respond to multiple threads on a page very quickly. I have the feeling you're really onto something here.

Shaun said on May 17, 2005

Another test...

Dave M. said on May 17, 2005

Man, I gotta say, I really love what you have done with this! Definatly thinking "outside the box" as it were!

The format is really easy to follow!

I just wish I had thought of it. :)

Gary Court said on May 17, 2005

Wow, really nicely done. Gotta hand it to the innovators.

One improvement I could see is that you should move the POST A COMMENT on the side near the bottom, that way the button arrow more points at the comment you are adding (when using preview)

Tom said on May 17, 2005

So hey!, test away

Nathan said on May 17, 2005

Looks pretty neat. Have you gotten enough useless comments on this article yet? ;-)

epich said on May 17, 2005

Like everyone else... I am impressed

Chris Vincent said on May 17, 2005

I like it!

Phil said on May 17, 2005

Very smooth.
There's a slight issue with the buttons at the bottom in Safari 1.3 (v312), they just need to be pushed a bit to the right.

alex Cook said on May 17, 2005

you should move the search to the far right since it doesn't corelate with the posting column.

alex Cook said on May 17, 2005

i hate typos: correlate

Casey Gollan said on May 17, 2005

Just testing out your comments!

Ramin said on May 17, 2005

This is pretty cool.

Damian said on May 17, 2005

MOST impressed.

Jesse Wilson said on May 17, 2005

I'm very impressed with this from a total design perspective. Wish I'd thought of it first ;-)

Good to see more thought being put into user interaction with elements that usually get less billing than what we consider the prominent elements.

Prabhath Sirisena said on May 17, 2005

Wow. This is beautiful. Yet another useless comment, but this is impressive stuff.

test said on May 18, 2005


gb bowers said on May 18, 2005

Testing it out. very slick. (and i even like the colour...)

Ronen Lasry said on May 18, 2005


Eelco said on May 18, 2005


word wrapping could be an isssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeee_:) said on May 18, 2005

impressive system, maybe a minor bug
...I'm drunk, I'm talking double!...

very nice live preview.

Jano said on May 18, 2005

Hm. Test Again.

Good idea! Maybe the fade could be a little longer! Or why dont you use the little arrow beside the commenters details, slowly fade in/out like slow blinking? That would be more personal for your design.

Szeghalmi Attila said on May 18, 2005

Lassuk, mukodik-e?

aga said on May 18, 2005

Why yellow, I wonder? Traditionally the color of caution, or warning. Suppose it fades well to white. It's sort of green here anyway.

me said on May 18, 2005

Not fade away....

Brajeshwar said on May 18, 2005

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat.

Garrett said on May 18, 2005

So how does this look, and does it work in Safari?

Yes it does, and a lovely effect it is too. Nice work. Pretty damn seamless.

Robert said on May 18, 2005

Hey, this is a really nice feature, congrats!

Sergi said on May 18, 2005

Testing here, as an interested in ajax technology.

BTW, I didn't know your blog. Seems interesting... I will synd.


Webdevotion said on May 18, 2005

Trying it out !
Very very nice example

John Davis said on May 18, 2005

Testing dude. Is this kickass?

said on May 18, 2005


Peter said on May 18, 2005

Nice feature! But as I was viewing this page in FF Mac, scrolling right (as the page is too wide) ended up with a mismatch in design (obviously, the fixed layout stays, the rest goes left. This means the commentbox goes to the right, on top of the links on the right.) Just my 2 cents!

Vix said on May 18, 2005

Whoa! This is great!.

Gavri Fernandez said on May 18, 2005

Didn't you mean "Basecamp-inspired Yellow-fade technique?

said on May 18, 2005


said on May 18, 2005


nybon said on May 18, 2005


dinh said on May 18, 2005

This is definitly a fine hack

Krijn Hoetmer said on May 18, 2005

Very cool. I also implemented this on my blog some days ago, but it doesn't really fit in the design (the default WordPress one). I got to fix the latter first, but this sure is inspiring!

Jonathan Snook said on May 18, 2005

Gavri Fernandez: 90 odd comments before somebody caught that one! That's too funny...

Paul Livingstone said on May 18, 2005

Just testing this out... Ajax is turning me on... seriously.

said on May 18, 2005


Neeraj Kumar said on May 18, 2005


said on May 18, 2005

Very impressive. :)

ryan said on May 18, 2005

checking this out..

Brad said on May 18, 2005

Hi there

ben said on May 18, 2005

Ooh nice. More ajax at!

Lobo said on May 18, 2005

what's it look like?

hi said on May 18, 2005


james said on May 18, 2005

Just testing...

John Athayde said on May 18, 2005

Wow, this is pretty impressive. Can you tell us how you did it?

Works well in Safari in 10.4.1

mikkel said on May 18, 2005

test test

Andrea Martines said on May 18, 2005

Great job Jonathan. And I mean the code (of the site, not yet the live preview) AND the concept.
When are we gonna see our live search on the right column while digiting in the search box? It's the natural target of your design, I guess ;-)

Jonathan Snook said on May 18, 2005

Andrea Martines: You must be psychic! It is most definitely the next feature that I want to implement! But I've been second guessing since a number of people have had issues with the design at 1024x768. I may have to rethink my implementation to handle users at lower resolutions.

Jon said on May 18, 2005

Testing my comment. Again. Whoa! It is updating automagically now. As I type. I find that a distracting, because my entire comment is blinking each time I type a character (FF 1.0.3/Mac). There should probably be some sort of timeout (1 second?) before it updates, so it can wait for me to finish typing.

Any kind of privacy issue with intercepting my comments before I actually decide to post them? What if I write something really mean about you, but then think better of it? Did you read it anyway? Not that I would or you would, but that we could.

Oh... and the preview date is off by four days... says May 14th.

All that said, thanks for creating an inspiring interface.

Shaun said on May 18, 2005

Just testing

said on May 18, 2005

Taco Taco ?

dryodd said on May 18, 2005

testin' around

said on May 18, 2005


dryodd said on May 18, 2005

some utf8: ?rv?zt$this->normalizeEntities16bit("369")r$this->normalizeEntities16bit("337") t?k?rf?r?g

Blah said on May 18, 2005

Blah blah blah

Jer said on May 18, 2005

Just testing out the comments...

Mark Denovich said on May 18, 2005

Impressive feature. But the more interesting to me is how you highlight the blog owner's comments... Good idea.

VirusFree said on May 18, 2005

Hmm, what's this button for?

said on May 18, 2005


Stuart said on May 18, 2005

Show me that yellow-fade! Okay, one more time.

ana said on May 18, 2005

sorry for the prove, but I wanted to see de YFT in action!

ana said on May 18, 2005

now, again!

ana said on May 18, 2005

i don't see nothing!

Michael Granger said on May 18, 2005

Not only is the functionality of it cool, but the design is lickable, too. Nice work!

CPR said on May 18, 2005


Peter said on May 18, 2005

Ok, sorry. I didn't see the updating of the div as you scroll sideways (or did you just add that?).

Chris said on May 18, 2005

Great design, and I love the comments. Testing to check this out. Nicely done.

chateve said on May 18, 2005


Jonathan Snook said on May 18, 2005

Peter: Yes, I did just fix the side-scrolling issue. (No, you're not going crazy)

Andrea Martines said on May 18, 2005

Jon, I'm not psychic: when design suggests functions, it's a sign of an excellent interaction strategy behind.
But, following this direction, the final search results should be rendered in the right column too. And this could probably add pain to your resolution issue! ;-)
A minor issue: while writing a comment, one cannot knows if new comments are added between the last he sees and his own. So, threaded comments could suffer of some desinchronization. I really don't see how this could be fixed, if not with a time-based ajax autorefreshing of the comments list.

pivwan said on May 18, 2005

Nice thing, even with javascript desactivated on-the-fly, it still works.

ecogeo said on May 18, 2005


dang said on May 18, 2005

this is cool. i'm just testing how this works

dang said on May 18, 2005


Jonathan Fenocchi said on May 18, 2005

Testing it out... Wow, excellent job!

Kevin Wolff said on May 18, 2005

I have to say, you're site rules. I love the look and feel. The comments box is pretty dang sweet. I agree with what you say about comments. I absolutely love to get comments. It makes the site so much more interactive.

Ken Norton said on May 18, 2005

Very slick

Scott DeMers said on May 18, 2005

Another one trying the
live preview.

Ok, I like.

What about removing the preview button and just having it happen automagically?

brent said on May 18, 2005

testing the live preview

said on May 18, 2005

Cool stuff!
Maybe you should replace <h1>tags </h1>

Andy Fowler said on May 18, 2005

Funny Firefox 1.0.4 bug found with the fixed comment div. If you use the scrollbar to scroll left-right, post-a-comment stays where it's supposed to. But, if you select some text with the mouse, and drag to the right, as if you were selecting more text, the window scrolls, but the comment stuff stays fixed in the viewport. Using the scrollbar again makes Firefox realize what happened.

Hopefully that makes sense... Very innovative ideas; keep it up!

Jonathan Snook said on May 18, 2005

Scott DeMers: I thought of that but the problem is if the user is elsewhere on the page, I wanted them to have some way of knowing there was a preview somewhere. Besides, keeping the button creates a great failsafe for users without javascript.

Andy Fowler: It's a flaw in Firefox. The onscroll event only fires when a user clicks on the scrollbar and drags it. Something I hope they fix in the future! (I use the onscroll event to reset the div position when scrolling left to right)

Jed Harris said on May 18, 2005

This is a terrific example of creativity unleashed by the new technical approach! Great technique is nothing without great design...

Andy Budd said on May 18, 2005

Nice idea. I really like the timeline on the left hand side of the page as well. Sweet.

Kyle Mathews said on May 18, 2005

Love the idea of a live preview. Nice job.

Clay Smith said on May 18, 2005

Wow. The thing that I notice about myself, though, is that when I click a submit button or a preview button, I'll look away and just watch out of the corner of my eye for the page to reload. I'll sit there and wait maybe ten seconds before I realize that the content was pulled without a refresh. I can't wait until AJAX is prevalent enough that I can train myself to look for it.

Me said on May 18, 2005

This is a test.

Mark said on May 18, 2005

Just test it! Wow.... Amazing! It is really a good design.


Austin said on May 18, 2005

I like the conept, but it seems like the comment author detail fade away, and those would be kind of important to me as a reader.

jurgen said on May 18, 2005


Craig said on May 18, 2005

Come on baby, scroll for me!

Wally Punsapy said on May 18, 2005

i'm checking out your widget.

Jonathan Snook said on May 18, 2005

Clay Smith: I just want to clarify that there is no AJAX or xmlhttprequest going on to achieve the live preview. It'd certainly be a neat idea for the Post functionality but I'm not sure how I'd handle new posts that occur while you're posting.

Jesse Newland said on May 18, 2005

testing all of this jazz

nikochan said on May 18, 2005

testing? cool

said on May 18, 2005


Derek said on May 18, 2005


Matt said on May 18, 2005


Josh said on May 18, 2005


anon said on May 18, 2005

very nice

Brad said on May 18, 2005

Interesting idea.

Adam Thody said on May 18, 2005

I love it!

Greg Westin said on May 18, 2005

That's pretty awesome.

Will said on May 18, 2005

This is really impressive

said on May 18, 2005


Matt said on May 18, 2005

Sorry, just testing it out again :)

Dan said on May 18, 2005

Great to see more emphasis being placed on comments. Fade looks really smooth in Firefox on Linux.

Adam said on May 18, 2005


Greg Hinch said on May 18, 2005

Wow I'm very impressed. Good show.

Todd said on May 18, 2005

I'd by lying if I said I was commenting to do anything else than test this function, but still...

Good job from some random guy who surfed in late to the party.

Joshua said on May 18, 2005


Sgtret said on May 18, 2005 has this site as a top link today. Having this up on the screen makes it impossible not to comment.

Scott said on May 18, 2005

This really is very cool. Here's hoping for a tutorial or something that sums up the basics of how it's working. Excellent work!

Scott said on May 18, 2005


derek said on May 18, 2005

dog blast

Chuck said on May 18, 2005

I love having the comment form high on the page too.

said on May 18, 2005

milk milk lemonade, round the corner chocolate's made.

i think?

irrelevant said on May 18, 2005

no comment, just testing the system
Really cool!

Fred said on May 18, 2005

NIce. Really nice. But with a "live preview" you shouldn't need to hit a button to see the result, do you? But auto scrolling would then be a problem, I guess. Maybe call it "in place preview" ;)

BTW, the comment form staying at the top is a really good idea.

said on May 18, 2005



Greg Yardley said on May 18, 2005

Got to test this out. Burrito, burrito.

Hmm. Definite clunky bit in the fade in the middle of Firefox on Win XP. LIke it hits a 'shelf' between the green to yellow and yellow to white.

The updating of the preview as I type is very slick, though, beats the yellow fade trick by a large margin.

Mike D. said on May 18, 2005

Oh my god, that's the funky sh!t.

chris said on May 18, 2005

wow this is nice. Fantastic!

Jeremy Hubert said on May 18, 2005

This is a pretty good way to get a lot of comments on your site. ;)

sdf said on May 19, 2005


said on May 19, 2005


K?roly Gy?rgy Tam said on May 19, 2005

Nice page. Nice comment posting...
This thing works in Opera (for Linux 8.0) very good.
...and I like your colours.
Congratulation, well done!

said on May 19, 2005

Hi, this is a very nice feature you've got there :o)

Mike said on May 19, 2005

Just testing this !! it's nice!

Rob Kerr said on May 19, 2005

Excellent preview. Might be more usable if the green arrow on the preview line was bottom aligned with the previewed entry (that is, if the whole comment form was bottom aligned). Live updating of preview is a nice touch, though I'd be worried about the HTML parsing and potential misuse.

Frank Lores said on May 19, 2005

Testing the live preview. Cooool

si said on May 19, 2005

loving your work!

Philippe said on May 19, 2005

Seems very nice and original. I love the "get out of the box" process :)

(sorry for my bad english, I am french)

I found this web via

Daniel Draper said on May 19, 2005

This is nice

Dave said on May 19, 2005

Woah, pretty design and nice FAT.

Jonathan Snook said on May 19, 2005

Rob Kerr: There is HTML parsing that's done server-side that eliminates improper or harmful code. No more potential misuse than most other comment forms.

Elliot Anderson said on May 19, 2005

this looks very cool. i got a couple of ideas where i could use something like this

said on May 19, 2005


Darren Rowse said on May 19, 2005

looks great!!!

said on May 19, 2005


Michael said on May 19, 2005

Testing this out

Rob Lewis said on May 19, 2005

This looks really cool! A very clever idea and nicely executed.

proba said on May 19, 2005

Prueba, text, proba, test...

Very good!!

Jay Jones said on May 19, 2005

This is some sweet stuff... I'm really liking it.

LuK said on May 19, 2005

Just cheking OH YEAH!

LuK said on May 19, 2005


Ed said on May 19, 2005

Test test. I wanna see this live preview stuff in action too.

Andrew said on May 19, 2005

I want to try! I want to try!

Jim Kukral said on May 19, 2005

Testing comments, neato!

Tinus Guichelaar said on May 19, 2005

I have to test this to!

Hans said on May 19, 2005

Oooh, the urge to consider a redesign grows greater all the time.

Jamie said on May 19, 2005

Pretty cool stuff.

Nathaniel said on May 19, 2005

test this uber coolness out... very very nice the live preview is money

soxiam said on May 19, 2005

ok. how amazing is this?

kevin said on May 19, 2005


David Crowther said on May 19, 2005

I like, a lot!

Joe said on May 19, 2005


Coelho said on May 19, 2005

congratulations... this is f.... amazing!!!

Frank Johnson said on May 19, 2005

Very interesting. Can't wait to see it when I click on the preview button. Wow! I love it.

pete said on May 19, 2005


cyf said on May 19, 2005

Wow. Great stuff. Any MT plugin with that? ;-)

no name said on May 19, 2005

also a test

eckes said on May 19, 2005

Now you need some Gravatar Support :)


eckes said on May 19, 2005

How about Threading the comments or beeing ale to reply?

Sam the Sham said on May 19, 2005

Wow, this is a pretty handy trick. How hard is this to implement?

Dane said on May 19, 2005

I'm just testing the comments. That's pretty amazing!

colbert said on May 20, 2005

great stuff...keep up the Good work. how about adding pics in here?

Anthony said on May 20, 2005

I haven't seen the preview in action before so let me take a look...

Anthony said on May 20, 2005


Tom Simpson said on May 20, 2005

The preview is showing me a "May 14th" date. I wonder if that will change to the 20th, when I press "Post".

Dave Child said on May 20, 2005

Awesome stuff. I'm working on a redesign of my site at the moment and have been looking at comments as a weak point so far. This technique and implementation is fantastic!

BioGeek said on May 20, 2005

Yellow fade is quickly becoming the new black ;)

Altough your yellow looks more like green to me...

Tester said on May 20, 2005


Good lookin! said on May 20, 2005

Woot, this looks good!
Yellow is green, per BioGeek comment

Maugrimtr said on May 20, 2005

I see lots of people have tested already ;)

Anthony Lewis said on May 20, 2005

Wow, there are lots of comments here...

Sharath said on May 20, 2005

I Love Zeta

Sharath said on May 20, 2005

I Love Zeta

Kris Thompson said on May 20, 2005

testing this cool thing out

Ballwalkin' Mike said on May 20, 2005

Have you thought about using this technique to emulate position:fixed in IE?

It seems to be a little less jerky.

just a thought. As I commented a few days ago, I LOVE this design!

anne said on May 20, 2005

adding you to my rssfeed makes me discover that my posting about your absolutely amazing lifepreview should have been done here, not under your wiki-tip.. i hope that one day i will get how it works!

bjoern said on May 21, 2005

This is my little TestComment

said on May 21, 2005

Really impressive!

good said on May 21, 2005

yes, it's useful

Sarat said on May 22, 2005

Wow! This rocks!

Oswald said on May 22, 2005

Original and nice.

Chmouel said on May 22, 2005


jonas said on May 22, 2005

pretty cool idea!

No one in particular said on May 22, 2005

Just checkin' oot the kewl commentin'

Foo Bar said on May 22, 2005

No way!

Foo Bar said on May 22, 2005


Bill said on May 22, 2005

test of live preview

medfadsafdfadf said on May 23, 2005


said on May 23, 2005

Cool man !

jonas said on May 23, 2005

where have all the cowboys gone?

www said on May 23, 2005


Rodrigo said on May 23, 2005

This is very cool! Well done! I loved the "preview as you type" feature!
This just makes me wanna post a comment! :)

lemartialou said on May 23, 2005

yep! That's definitivly a cool one!

J?rgen R. Plasser said on May 23, 2005

Really nice! -- It's a cool usability tool ...

said on May 23, 2005


test said on May 23, 2005


said on May 23, 2005

dvdsv xcvdvxcvdvsd dsvsdvsdvdzethrtnsbngfhnn trn trn rtnasrtn atExcellent preview. Might be more usable if the green arrow on the preview line was bottom aligned with the previewed entry (that is, if the whole comment form was bottom aligned). Live updating of preview is a nice touch, thoExcellent preview. Might be more usable if the green arrow on the preview line was bottom aligned with the previewed entry (that is, if the whole comment form was bottom aligned). Live updating of preview is a nice touch, though I'd be worried about the HTML parsing and potential misuse.Excellent preview. Might be more usable if the green arrow on the preview line was bottom aligned with the previewed entry (that is, if the whole comment form was bottom aligned). Live updating of preview is a nice touch, though I'd be worried about the HTML parsing and potential misuse.ugh I'd be worried about the HTML parsing and potential misuse.en tarn gn an xvd

Lance said on May 23, 2005

Nice work.

Alex Miller said on May 23, 2005

This is amazing.

tester said on May 23, 2005

this is a test

smd said on May 24, 2005

not bad at all

said on May 24, 2005

I want to see my post

Tinus Guichelaar said on May 24, 2005


Anonymouse said on May 24, 2005


Peter said on May 24, 2005

Just testing this

tara|yn said on May 25, 2005

just testing the comments. omg it's so cool!

Hunk said on May 25, 2005

omg! It's Taralyn!!!

Hunk said on May 25, 2005

omg! It's Taralyn!!!

alex said on May 25, 2005


Matt said on May 25, 2005


test said on May 25, 2005


jay said on May 25, 2005

hahaha, nice.

tester5 said on May 25, 2005

THis is fun

said on May 25, 2005


Brickballs said on May 25, 2005

this is really pimp, i just might have to copy and modify it a bit for my site

bleltycerkest said on March 11, 2011

olvassa el az egesz blog, nagyon jo

Sorry, comments are closed for this post. If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to send them to me directly.