
I got into a bit of a rut where everything I listened to seemed to be garage rock from the early 2010s. (Or post-punk revival, or however you want to classify music.) The Black Keys, The White Stripes, Arctic Monkeys, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Franz Ferdinand. I didn’t listen to the radio anymore so I had little to no exposure to new music. Maybe a coffee shop or restaurant would be playing a track and I’d Shazam it to add it to the playlist.

In the past few months, however, I’ve been spending more time on TikTok and subsequently, more time on music recommendation TikTok. As such, my library has been growing more quickly. Here are a few songs/albums that I’ve been enjoying lately…

Ethiopique, Vol 4

I don’t recall exactly how I stumbled across it but I went through a phase of wanting more instrumental background music and Éthiopique really hit the spot. Tezeta is probably my favourite track on the album and has me wanting to just sit in a dimly lit jazz club with a drink in hand.

Live Well by Palace

A breakup song that oozes more positivity than most, which is nice. I also added Bitter, from the same album, to the playlist.

Psycho by Pertinence

I definitely stumbled on this one from TikTok and think it’s a fun, catchy track. The Tehya remix has an amusing counterpoint in it.

Blame Brett by The Beaches

Similarly, found this one on TikTok and similarly, it’s a fun track. I, admittedly, identify with the lyrics of getting into a relationship when not ready for it. “Don’t blame me, blame Brett. Blame my ex, blame my ex, blame my ex.”

Worst Case Scenario by Suff Daddy

This track is too short but love the groove this song puts down.

Published August 03, 2023