Site Updates

Just a heads up that I've updated the site a little so if anything is askew, be sure to let me know.

Updates include:

  • Updated the styles on the comments
  • Added an intro paragraph to the home page
  • E-mail notification checkbox state is maintained in preview (that should make you happy, Mark)
  • You can now use <code> in comments
  • Moved MovableType database from Berkeley to MySQL (which went fairly smoothly except when it error'd out the first time I had to login to MySQL and delete the tables in order to restart the process)
Published February 13, 2005 · Updated September 17, 2005
Categorized as Other
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4 Comments · RSS feed
Jonathan Snook said on February 13, 2005

Actually, just noticed one small glitch as a result of changing databases: all notification subscriptions have been lost! Sorry folks.

Gabriel Mihalache said on February 14, 2005

I am drunk with whitespace.

Mark Wubben said on February 14, 2005

Thanks, Jonathan!

Rob Mientjes said on February 14, 2005

Nice, nice. Styles look goooood.

Sorry, comments are closed for this post. If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to send them to me directly.