
It’s a new year. I’d like to say that this is a point at which I start reflecting on the past year and the year ahead but truth is, I’ve been introspective of where I am and what I’m doing for some time now. So much so that I’m starting to get sick of being in my head.

For me, 2015 was a transitional and emotional year, one that I’ve had a tough time putting into words. I’ve felt like a success and a failure all wrapped up in one. I saw the end of a job, a relationship, and a passion for web development. My desire to write had little spark to it. On the flip side, I saw my financial fortunes soar. Money buys happiness, right?

2015 became the year where I decided to reinvest in myself.

Seven years ago, I was at my heaviest weight of 285 lbs and I started taking steps to lose weight. After a year of portion control and exercise, I was down to about 240. But I flatlined. A move back to the suburbs meant I was walking less and driving more. The weight started to climb back up. By the end of last summer, I was up to 268. That wasn’t where I wanted to be.

In September, I decided to get a trainer and make a year long plan to hit my goal of 200 once and for all. In the 4 months since I’ve started, I’ve lost 20 lbs. My travel schedule was very hectic. I was too easily tempted by the free drinks and fatty foods offered by most conferences. And yet I’m still mostly on target. Go figure.

I decided to take a break from conferences for the first half of 2016. This is time that I want to use to focus on being a better me. I want to hit up the conferences in September having hit my goal of 200. (Fingers crossed.)

In 2016, I also want to rekindle my passion for the web. I’d love to finally finish rewriting SMACSS. I have other books I’d like to write. I have products I’d like to build. I’d like to blog more! I’d like to get my site redesigned. I want to produce instead of just consume.

I’d like to be a person I can be proud of.

To do that, this year’s theme will be Movement. Physically and mentally, I want movement. I want progress. It’s time to stop living in my head.

Published January 02, 2016


7 Comments · RSS feed
Craig said on January 02, 2016

Selfishness is a virtue sometimes. Wishing you luck for 2016!

Susanne said on January 02, 2016

You can and will hit all your goals! It's always good to invest in yourself, even if it sounds a bit selfish.
And yes, make this damn site responsive! ;-P

Rob said on January 02, 2016

Good luck with the weight loss. This presentation by Tom Naughton really opened my eyes about weight loss and health and helped me to get a lot healthier. I'm passing it along in case it might be helpful to you

Keith Peters said on January 02, 2016

Keep at it. I'm convinced weight loss is mostly mental. Overcoming the "oh screw it, I'm just going to eat this whole pie". I hit my highest at the beginning of 2008. 235 pounds. I was able to lose a bit of weight, then started running and got down to under 180. These days I'm in the low 190s, so I gotta get back on track.

Laidlaw said on January 02, 2016

My heaviest ever was 239, back in 2005 or so. Then I drastically changed my life, started spending a LOT of time outdoors (hiking, kayaking, mountain biking), and in about a year I hit 200 pounds. I don't have the willpower to go to a gym, so I need my workouts to be dynamic and engaging for reasons other than fitness. The extra activity was good for my mental health too. Nature is my anti-depressant. I even started organizing hiking trips for other conference attendees when I went somewhere with fun hikes nearby (portland railsconf, seattle mozcon, cssdevconf colorado, incontrol conf honolulu). Something to think about when you do jump back in the conference circuit! Good luck in 2016!

Laidlaw said on January 02, 2016

Oh, and I'm back to 235 in the last half of 2015, so I'm in the same boat! Time to spend a little more time away from this desk!

Jonathan Snook said on January 03, 2016

Laidlaw: NYC is one of my favourite cities to visit because I manage to walk everywhere. I love it. :)

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