Not So Fast

“The industry changes so quickly! It’s hard to keep up with everything.”

I’ve been mostly out of touch with the industry over the last couple years, only working on smaller front-end projects, and not really paying much attention to the firehose of web development content being put out there.

What’s interesting is dipping my toes back into the stream and seeing that—despite all the time that has passed—things haven’t really changed that much.

It can be overwhelming feeling the need to stay connected to that firehose but maybe it’s okay to pull back a smidgen. When I look back at how I learn, that initial stage of superficial learning—knowing that something exists—is enough to file in the back of the mind, to go from unknown unknowns to known unknowns—things we are aware of but don’t understand yet.

Blogs have always been good for this. There’s more signal and less noise than a micro blogging platform like Twitter. Maybe a conference or two a year to see what is popular.

It doesn’t take much more than that. And with the scattering of social media platforms, it feels okay to step back and not go so fast.

Published August 05, 2023