Anonymous functions to make their way into PHP? I'd like it. (via)
lol, what I like is the following quote by the guy who is implementing it:
"However, his real question was whether anonymous functions should be part of PHP at all."
Either way, I would like to see this as well.
Would be nice to use in something like:
$my_var = preg_replace_callback($regex, function(match){ return strtolower(match[0]); }, $string);
Wow...that looks a lot like JavaScript.
Great news i'd like also to have a way to add anonymous func to null object
$obj = (object) NULL; // or tha same - $obj = new stdClass();
now i can add properties to this object
$value = 'string'; $obj->properties = $value;
but i cant add methods like this
$obj->method = create_function('','return 'this is class method';');
it will be very use full to create objects on fly in this way.
lol, what I like is the following quote by the guy who is implementing it:
"However, his real question was whether anonymous functions should be part of PHP at all."
Either way, I would like to see this as well.
Would be nice to use in something like:
Wow...that looks a lot like JavaScript.
Great news
i'd like also to have a way to add anonymous func to null object
now i can add properties to this object
but i cant add methods like this
it will be very use full to create objects on fly in this way.