Review: Logo Design Love

Logo Design Love Cover.Logo Design Love is a book written by David Airey that covers the whys and hows of brand identity development.

The book is broken down into three parts: The importance of brand identity, the process of design and keep the fires burning which looks at how to find motivation and inspiration. It's a light 200 pages with readable type and plenty of examples.

David Airey aims this book at the aspiring designer by not only covering the design process but also covering the process of project scope and client management in the context of logo design.

Logo Design Love hits the mark when it speaks from experience, which it does for most of the book. There's plenty of real world examples with plenty of input from designers other than just Airey himself. The book falters only slightly (and briefly) when Airey makes assumptions or raises open questions as he does with his assessments on the Tropicana or New Coke campaigns.

In the end, Logo Design Love was an enjoyable read with plenty of good information in a well-designed package.

Published February 17, 2010


13 Comments · RSS feed
Garry said on February 17, 2010

This book is a must read for all those who want to further grasp the spirit of logo design. I back this book as a must have for all who are students and those who 'think' they can do without a book like this. Believe me,I too had this notion before going through this book but not now.

Gene Crawford said on February 17, 2010

You're right, this is probably one of the better books on logo/brand design. It's one of those you need to put on your bookshelf if you're in this line of business.

Nate Klaiber said on February 17, 2010

Wow, sounds like this book is getting some good recommendations. I added this to my wishlist recently, but haven't made the purchase yet. Sounds like it's time to check it out.

David Airey said on February 17, 2010

Hi Jonathan, thanks for taking the time to review my book, and I'm glad you found it an enjoyable read.

Garry, Gene, that's very kind of you to say. Thank you.

Nate, there are a couple of free chapters available through the Logo Design Love website, in case you want to try before you buy. All the best.

Nate Klaiber said on February 17, 2010

RE: David
Awesome, thanks for the info - downloading the sample chapter now.

johan said on February 17, 2010

I recommend this book about brand identity (new edition) also:

John C said on February 22, 2010

This is what passes as a review these days? I could hardly tell if you read the book, there's nothing here that isn't in the blurb on the back cover.

Richard Fink said on February 23, 2010

Found this a very timely review because I'm working on an article - soon to be finished - on using @font-face web fonts in the creation of online logos.
Apropos of @font-face, which I know you've covered at length, a highly useful new tool is now available: EOTFAST.
EOTFAST is a drag and drop utility for creating natively compressed EOT files for use with any domain. There are no root string restrictions, as with Microsoft WEFT.
It's fair to say that utilities like Microsoft WEFT and ttf2eot are now obsolete. With EOTFAST - along with WOFF, gzip, and smart sub-setting, font file sizes can be made quite manageable for all @font-face supporting browsers in the market today.
Savings in file size typically range from 45% to 70%. And the documentation has a lot of information regarding @font-face that web designers will find useful.
Freeware released under the Apache 2.0 license.
Richard Fink

Pawel Decowski said on February 27, 2010

Being a great fan David Airey's work, I've been keeping an eye on the book for a while. I think it's time to visit Amazon.

2012 doomsday said on March 03, 2010

Survival group against God?? LOL. Good luck with that. Truth is, no one knows the exact time this will happen except the man upstairs, however, I firmly believe that there are people placed here by God that post the warning signs and it's up to you to take heed.
doomsday 2012
- some truth about 2012

Beach Weddings Florida said on March 23, 2010

Amazing stuff in this new book. Nice product for all basic designers.

Holger said on March 24, 2010

I was just searching for some logo design inspiration. I think I will definitly have a look inside logo design love. Thanks for advice.

Xpertd said on March 27, 2010

You have posted such a nice article. Thumbs up! Very nice article.

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