Screencast: Cross Faded Images in Fireworks

Okay, I have to admit, I was a little jealous of Dustin and his recent screencast efforts. So, I thought I'd take a few moments and throw together my own screencast.

Since no-one really talks about the cool things you can do in Fireworks, I thought I'd talk about how to do fades on an image. It can be a little difficult to demonstrate these things in a series of images in a blog post so a screencast seems to make a little more sense.

You can check out a Flash video of the screencast for this 1m43s long video or download the original AVI [11MB].

I used the free CamStudio software on this one. I'll have to look into other options for next time as the file seems larger than it needs to be for the animation. Please feel free to leave any alternatives in the comments.


Published September 05, 2006 · Updated September 14, 2006


10 Comments · RSS feed
Dustin Diaz said on September 06, 2006

Ah. I will most definitley have to check this out... even if I don't use Fireworks.. I am most interested in how you work and talk at the same time. Kevin Yank most definitely out does us all - but then again, the SP videos cost money.

Jeriko One said on September 06, 2006

As Fireworks is my graphic program of choice too, it's really good to see some tutorials, screencasts, howtos for it as well.

With this said, keep 'em coming! :-)

Matthijs said on September 06, 2006

Great screencast. As I've just started using Fireworks this is very useful. Thanks Jonathan.

Nate K said on September 06, 2006

Short and sweet. Nice to have these little snippets out there. I haven't used fireworks in a while, maybe Ill have to break it out and start playing :)

Keep em coming...

James Mitchell said on September 06, 2006

I agree with Nate K. short and sweet. Very nice. I personally have never used Fireworks, as I use Photoshop CS2 and have never had the need to try it. So it is quite interesting to see how another program handles the same effects/tools/functions.

I look forward to the next ones, so keep them coming.

J Wynia said on September 06, 2006

I use CamStudio to do the capturing and then use something like the WMV Encoder or Dr. Divx or even VLC to transcode and often resize the results for distribution. What format I use depends on where I'm planning on showing the video.

In lots of cases, it's in a very MS-centric environment, in which case, WMV makes sense. Otherwise, I do something more generic like Divx or MPEG1

Clive Walker said on September 06, 2006

Nice tutorial! Another way of creating a faded image in Fireworks is to use the pre-set fades in Commands - Creative - Fade Image. These seem to work well IMO
[apologies if you get this comment twice]

Brent Wilcox said on September 07, 2006

It's nice to see what you are talking about in real time for sure, for us novices :> Thanks, Jon.

Chris Guld said on September 10, 2006

Nice tip. I use Fireworks all the time and appreciate the pointers. I just found your site - thru Bloglines. I'll be coming back for more! I also do screencasts. I use My Screen Recorder Pro, then I import the .avi file into Flash 8 to create an .flv file which can 'progressively download' so the video starts playing immediately. Users don't have to wait for the download. For samples, see my page
The later tutorials use the Flash 8 technique - so try anything under the 'Blogging' heading.

Darleen Strickland said on November 12, 2008


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