Using NEWID to Randomly Sort Records

There's an easy way to Randomly Sort Records in SQL7 (on Windows 2000) and SQL2000. Using the NEWID() function will automatically generate a random UID. To use it to randomly sort records: SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY NEWID(); To randomly select a record from a table: SELECT TOP 1 * FROM mytable ORDER BY NEWID(); A very handy trick indeed.

Published February 16, 2004 · Updated September 17, 2005


3 Comments · RSS feed
Guillermo said on August 10, 2005

Note that this doesn't always work! If you specify a WHERE clause with IN such as "where city in (7,10,345,1,500)" SQL will ALWAYS return records with CITY = 1 (the lowest value in the IN clause). This is not random at all.

Jonathan Snook said on August 10, 2005

Hmmm, was this on SQL7 or 2000? I just did a quick test in 2000 and still received random results using WHERE field IN (1, 2, ...)

Guillermo said on August 10, 2005

It's SQL2000 EE (Version 8.00.760 SP3). I tried "select * from mytable where xx in (300,200,400,1,345) order by newid()"
and I always get records with xx = 1, or whatever value I put in the IN clause which is lower than the rest. Note that there is an index (normal, not clustered) declared on XX.

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