Now, where was I?

Yes, these is technically part of a chain letter but I thought it'd be interesting to reminisce. And like Kyle said, you can blame Bryan Veloso.

One Year Ago

April of last year I was working at Fuel Industries. I don't remember what projects I was working on but no doubt something interesting. My wife and I started looking for a new house. We were living in a townhouse but in thinking of expanding our family we decided we needed some more room. We eventually found one after looking at about 50 houses... and it was perfect. We moved in last August. I love having a deck to BBQ and a finished basement to put the never-ending pile of toys. And if you're interested in what I posted on this very web site a year ago: Problems using white-space:nowrap in Internet Explorer. And fixed comments were just around the corner.

Five Years Ago

April of 2001. A time of transition. I was about to turn 27 and I just left or was about to leave my two year stint at i4design to go work for H3Creative. A move that ended up being of mixed results. I had a lot of freedom to build a CMS from scratch. It was what I was passionate about but was ultimately disappointed in the company's inability to promote it well. When I left H3Creative a couple years later, I had intended to build GainCMS with full control over its direction. Who knew it'd be so hard to find the time to build it?

Ten Years Ago

April of 1996. I was 21 years old. I had been out of high school for three years now but still didn't have much direction. I worked at Toys R Us and lived with a bunch of computer buddies from the BBS days. I did web stuff as a hobby running a couple web sites, hung out on the NCF Freenet IRC and just did my thang. I really wish I took things a little more seriously back then. I think back at just how much time I had. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's wasting time (this post being proof in point).

Back to now

Aaaand we're back! How was that little trip down memory lane? Now, what's the use of a chain letter without passing it on? Here's a shout-out to Dan, Erik and Robert.

Published April 12, 2006 · Updated September 14, 2006


2 Comments · RSS feed
kartooner said on April 13, 2006

Quite a history. :)

Oh, thanks for the shoutout, you better believe I'll be tackling this very soon, hopefully revealing not-so-juicy information.

Robert Nyman said on April 13, 2006


Thanks for the tag. I'll address it next week, since now it's family and Easter time... :-)

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