Tables with Style

If you haven't heard of 24ways, I highly recommend you hop over there right now. An idea hatched by Drew McLellan of all in the <head>, 24ways is an advent calendar for web geeks. It features an idea a day from the December 1st until Christmas Eve.

I have the pleasure of having today's spot on the calendar with my article, Tables with Style. I cover a few quick tips on adding some funk to your drab tables. Be sure to leave your 2 cents!

Published December 18, 2005 · Updated September 14, 2006


2 Comments · RSS feed
Oscar said on June 01, 2006

How can I add a table on my CSS. Style sheet??

I want this table to diaply on every form that created. Thanks

Jonathan Snook said on June 01, 2006

Oscar: I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Any table can be styled via CSS and a style sheet is a handy place to store and maintain those styles.

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