FeedBurner Konfabulator Widget

Update: I've just added a quick addition. There's now a new icon next to the change id (aka search) icon. A click of the arrow icon should send you to the FeedBurner home page. Also, I've created a permanent page for the widget. All updates will be available there.

On a request, I put together a really quick Konfabulator widget that displays your circulation number. This is v0.1 material, that's for sure. I heavily hacked the Stock Ticker widget that comes with Konfabulator just to get this together quickly. By default it loads my info but you can easily change that via the context menu or via the search icon in the top right.

FeedBurner Widget for Konfabulator

Well, without further ado, download the widget. Like my last post, you'll need the FeedBurner Awareness API turned on for your feed for this to work.

Some quick notes, if it can't find the feed or hasn't loaded it yet, it'll simply display an asterisk (*). If it can't connect to the network, it should show two hyphens (--). Yeah, it ain't pretty.

Published August 31, 2005 · Updated September 14, 2006


15 Comments · RSS feed
Colin D. Devroe said on August 31, 2005

I'd like to see some screens of it. I don't have Konfab - but I'd like to see what you put together.

I was emailed about the API prior to its release - and I would have loved to put together 2 separate projects, one being a widget, but I just don't have the time.

Jonathan Snook said on August 31, 2005

I've updated the post to include the screen grab. Yup, that's it in all its glory.

Bryan Veloso said on August 31, 2005

Teach me oh great one. :D I need to be able to make widgets.

John P said on August 31, 2005

Thank you Jonathan!

That's one useful widget.
If somebody doesn't know what konfabulator is, a screenshot is available here here with the Feedburner Widget.


John Zeratsky said on August 31, 2005

Nice work, Jonathan! It's great to see you doing so much cool stuff with our Awareness API.

Mac users may want to check out the Dashboard widget I put together earlier this summer.


Sean said on September 01, 2005

Brian, Widgets are basiclly mini webpages using css, it shouldn't be that hard to make one : /

btw. Nice widget Jon!

Don said on September 04, 2005

I'll take Konfabulator over dashboard any day. Thanks for the widget! Now, if I could get it to work with my feed . . . .

o-juice said on September 05, 2005

Excellent! I'm often green-eyed when I see some of the really neat Dashboard widgets out there which aren't available in Konfabulator (and or just aren't technically possible to make with Konfabulator).

Thanks so much for making a Konfabulator widget of this (and for making it available to the rest of us)

bob merc said on September 07, 2005

i run windows xp. how can this work
for my sports talk podcasts?

Jonathan Snook said on September 07, 2005

Hey bob, all that you need to do to get the widget to work with your feed is to take your feed name and either click on Change Feed ID from the context menu or click on the search icon. In looking at your site you'd put spasportsshift in the box and then click Save. After a second or two, you should see a number pop up in the widget. This shows your circulation numbers.

Ivan said on October 08, 2006

I haven't been here for a while and I see another useful post from Jonathan. I am interested to see a screenshot of the Widget, but the link from Jhon P. is dead.
Anyway, it seems the widget is good and I will implement it too.

Bizarro_ said on June 11, 2007

i'm Bizarro_ on feedburner and it doesn't work....


It shows an astherisk

Family Nudism said on February 11, 2011

World Nudism

tuseRuice said on February 27, 2011

спасибо было очень интересно читать

diversantclu said on March 10, 2011

Диверсант – это пейнтбольный клуб в Казани, предлагающий услуги корпоративного отдыха. Пейнтбол- это один из самых веселых и здоровых способов провести с пользой для здоровья свой досуг. К Вашим услугам наши пейнтбольные площадки. Эти площадки выгодно отличаются от всех остальных тем, что большинство укрытий и препятствий- это заброшенные дома, ангары и подземные бункеры оставшиеся после закрытия существовавших на этих местах предприятий. Пейнтбол замечателен ещё и тем, что он не требует специальной физической подготовки и не имеет ограничений по возрасту, в него могут играть как дети, так и взрослые. Приходите в наш клуб, приводите своих детей, родственников, друзей и вы получите множество незабываемых и приятных впечатлений!!! Адрес:Россия г. Казань, ул. Музыкальная д.7,

Sorry, comments are closed for this post. If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to send them to me directly.